The REEL Splint - Adult

As an EMS professional you’re trained to immobilize knee dislocations and lower extremity fractures regardless of how awkward they may look or how difficult it may be. As a significant part of this reality, the knee joint must always be “frozen” in place, because it is either the injury site, or the joint above or below the injury site. Of course this also includes the fixation of injuries prior to extrication where uncontrolled movement can have its most damaging and unpredictable effects. Like many of the things “you’re supposed to be doing”, it’s much easier said than done. In developing the Reel Splint ImmobilizerTM we considered this a major problem to solve. It was finally time to get to work and… create a tool to get the job done! In developing the Reel Splint ImmobilizerTM we considered this a major problem to solve. It was finally time to get to work and… create a tool to get the job done! We now know the overall stabilization of the lower extremity is much more important than previously considered. Some of us are surprised to learn, it is a skill set vitally important to your patient’s outcome and general morbidity. It is here a renowned author points out what we professionals sometimes don’t appreciate: the “uncontrolled” manipulation or reduction of an injured knee or angulated lower extremity is dangerous and commonly induces greater pain and sometimes permanent injury.The Reel Splint Immobilizer delivers on all these, and many more, time-honored splinting practices. At last, you’ll be able to splint routinely in an effective manner – “in the presenting position” – more quickly and effectively then ever thought possible. You’ll have our complete assurance as well as your own, that your pledge to deliver the most effective “standards of care” will be met; but more importantly you’ll be making a big difference.

The REEL Splint – Adult Review

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